
Citizen Engagement for Co-Valorisation in Emilia-Romagna. CO-VALUE at R2B 2024 in Bologna

“Is it possible for Citizens to play a role in Research and Development projects?”

This is the title of the event organized by ART-ER s within R2B (Research To Businees), the International Exhibition on Research and Advanced Skills for Innovation promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER and BolognaFiere that held in Bologna (Italy) on June 26-27, 2024.

The R2B 2024 edition will focused on policies and strategies for innovation, skills and talentvalorisation, and EU partnerships across territories for local and EU growth and well-being.

In the context of this well-rooted and well-known exhibition for international innovationecosystem actors, ART-ER organized a dissemination event to present the project and its activities in Emilia- Romagna. The event was the ideal occasion to intercept and attract local R&I stakeholders to be mobilized for the experimentation actions foreseen in theregional territory in the next months. The event also launched the first workshops for needs assessment and incentives for citizen engagement in co-valorisation in Emilia-Romagna to be held online and in person in July and September of this year with the support of BassettiFoundation, partner of CO-VALUE.



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