Cross-Projects Workshop

Cross-Projects Workshop

20/11/2024 Cross-projects Workshop On 20 November, the Alicante Science Park (PCA) hosted a Cross-Projects Workshop, bringing together representatives from the CO-VALUE, Kaleidos, and BEAGLE projects to exchange insights on innovative strategies for knowledge...
Dissemination activities in Emilia-Romagna

Dissemination activities in Emilia-Romagna

DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES PRESENTATION OF CO-VALUE IN WORKSHOPS AND MEETINGS IN EMILIA ROMAGNA In addition to the workshops held with wider audiences, a few more specialized meetings were organized throughout the period in Emilia-Romagna  in order to involve the...
CO-VALUE Common Incentives Workshop

CO-VALUE Common Incentives Workshop

3/10/2024 CO-VALUE Common Incentives Workshop Our CO-VALUE Common Incentives Workshop took place oin October 3rd 2024, bringing together project partners and experts from diverse fields to analyse the outcomes of two workshops held earlier in Alicante and...